
  • There are a lot of different approaches in the coaching world, each with their own benefits. As a leader myself who has experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of leadership, including burnout and disillusion, I understand just how important it is for leaders and community organizers to have a safe, impartial space where they can unpack and digest their experiences—a space to breathe and to decide to take intentional steps that are respectful of their humanity. It’s been my experience that spaces like this mean that my clients are more likely to identify their passions and areas of highest contribution, and then go for them in a way that respects their mental, emotional, and physical health and wellbeing. The result is that working with together can create deep transformations in multiple areas of their lives, rather than being limited to a specific aspect of a specific domain. When we focus just on your KPIs or OKRs, a lot of patterns and factors that are influencing you can get pushed to the wayside. Of course coaching is about taking action in the end so we will be exploring specific tools and activities best suited to you, with an eye on how each area we explore is connected to your main purpose for being in coaching.

  • The first part of our working together is usually an exploratory and unblocking phase. We get to know more about what the current shape of your life is on all levels— physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually/philosophically, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the new form you’d like some aspect/aspects of your life to take, and your deeper reason and purpose behind those. In this first phase, we will come to understand what needs to shift first in order for you to experience the transformation you want, and we’ll design habits and practices to support that shift and continue refining and adjusting them as we go along. In my experience, this first part is usually about focusing on self- and- situational awareness and the practices that support their development. It’s the creating a strong foundation from which to grow upward and outward.

    Then, as you start to experience shifts, we’ll work on understanding them and integrating them into your daily life and habits, adjusting where necessary to suit you. This is not a factory-produced, one-size-fits- all approach. A few times during the our work together we pause, reflect, and celebrate, making adjustments to your original coaching goals with all of the new clarity, perspectives, and shifts you have experienced taken into consideration. We then move through another iteration of making progress towards those goals. Finally, at the end of the container we make time for celebration and more reflection, and discuss your next steps.

  • Having invested in my own development and work with coaches for years now, I very much empathize with this question. Here are several reasons why I encourage you to think of coaching as an *investment* rather than a *cost*.

    - My clients’ financial circumstances usually improve as a result of the work we do together, which extends well beyond the time of our engagement, resulting in an investment that’s likely to pay for itself many times over.

    - There are so many results that are harder to quantify, such as increased confidence, ease, self-worth, clarity, increased physical health, improved quality of relationships, and a deeper understanding of life purpose. The way I coach ensures that these results are likely to extend throughout a person’s lifetime and inspire and impact those around them, in their close networks and wider community as well.

    - There’s also the cost of *not* investing in your own personal development, in continuing in current behaviors and patterns that aren’t helpful. I usually prefer to focus on what you have to gain by investing in coaching, but it’s worth considering what you might have to lose by not doing so (especially if you are thinking about it).

    - We often spend much, much more over the years in purchases that are much less meaningful.

    - Finally, when you invest in working with me you’re investing in working with a professional with extensive and growing training, certification, and experience, as well as someone who consistently invests in her own development. I’ve invested a considerable amount of time, money, and energy in my own personal and professional development over the years, and that is deeply reflected in the quality of presence, knowledge, warmth, patience, and skill I bring to our coaching sessions.

    I want to be transparent about the financial investment involved, so I’ve recently added my current pricing for individual and group coaching to my website. If the fees are too high for you as an individual, I suggest speaking with your manager or HR about sponsoring all or part of the cost. Please reach out to me and I can help you put together a sponsorship proposal.

    The first session is free of any financial obligation. What have you got to lose?

  • To get started, please fill out the form on this page to tell me about yourself. From there, I will get in touch with you as soon as possible, typically within one business day., to schedule your complimentary curiosity call. After the curiosity call, if I think I can be of help and you’re feeling good to move to the next stage, I will send you a proposal with some key areas for growth we identified for you in our call, an example schedule, and the monetary investment for your package. It usually takes a few days for those to be ready since they are created on a totally individual basis. Then we enter a proposal stage together, where we can make any adjustments needed. I usually follow up with you for a week after the proposal is ready to see if there’s any way I can be of support. Due to considerations of my client load and to maintain the highest quality of service I am able, proposals are valid for one month. If more than a month elapses, we revisit your coaching goals in a new call and see if the proposal needs to be updated accordingly.

    Once the proposal is agreed upon, a coaching agreement & coaching schedule is sent with a cloud signature service, along with an onboarding email including links for scheduling and messaging platform download, and your invoice. After that we simply schedule your first session and make sure your payment is initiated before the first session, and we dive in!

  • If you’re on this page and are reading this, the answer is a resounding “YES!” Absolutely. I take your presence here to mean that you’re leadership-curious, that you’re wanting to develop some of the qualities that we associate with leaders— confidence, power, ease— for yourself. You have nothing to lose by exploring working together further, so I highly encourage you to reach out if you found yourself clicking on this question in particular.

  • The main language of all my services is English; however, I am proficient in Japanese & always learning (日本語能力検定2級) and in consideration of that, plus all of the wonderful translation tech we have, I am happy to accept clients who are developing their English skills and who will occasionally be speaking Japanese. I have also studied French and understand basic phrases and vocabulary. I’d say that a CEFR level of B1 is a sufficient amount of English to work with me for my Japanese-speaking clients, and B2 for speakers of other languages. I also have a lot of experience working with ESL speakers, and have zero judgement towards their language skills, only the deepest admiration and respect for the effort they have put into learning. I try to make my language as clear and understandable as possible with this in mind.

  • Absolutely. Having been in a leadership position in an educational startup here in Tokyo, my startup clients have a special place in my heart. I do 1-1 coaching, group coaching, workshops & team building activities for my corporate clients. Please reach out to see how working with me can meet the needs of your team and help your team meet the needs of your clients.