Scripted? Improvised?
You don't have to have it all figured out.
I live cyclically, so towards the end of each cycle I take a big question that comes up for me and live into it for about a week or so. I really sit with it, listen to my feelings about it, journal about it, explore how this question emerges from my patterns and conditioning, and how I want to move forward with it into my future. I plant it in my creative brain and let it simmer, without rushing to a conclusion out of discomfort. I observe and allow the discomfort to exist, too. It's a sign that I'm onto something important for me.
This cycle what came up for me was all about choosing between a set path, or having a general vision for my direction and choosing which turns and offshoots come up in each moment. Needing to have it all figured out, or being nimble. Needing to have my questions answered, or being okay with what "it" is right now, and making space for the questions to be a part of my life, helping me to stay open to curiosity, possibility, and opportunity. Scripted or improvised.
You might be guessing right now, and from the quote in the image, that where I'm at with this questions is a good old "both, and."
I think it's fantastic to have a vision, a plan, goals. I regularly work with my clients on creating these, and revisit mine all of the time. And I think it's equally fantastic to let these things go when we outgrow them.
Sometimes, that requires us to exist in a state in-between, what I call a liminal state. It's worth cultivating your ability to be in the liminal state if you want to be a growth-oriented person, because it is full of insights and perspectives and creative ideas that are usually unavailable when we feel more settled. And it takes a lot of compassion for ourselves and others to allow ourselves the vulnerability of being this way.