Finding your North Star
How do you navigate life as a multipassionate individual? Every experience can teach us something, but how do we know when we’re on a meaningful side quest?
And if you’ve already found your North Star, how do you nurture yourself, maintain your energy, and handle life’s responsibilities while pursuing it? How do you gather the right support team to help you along the way?
If you’re in that in-between space—caught between one chapter of life and the next—can you trust clarity to emerge organically, or do you need a plan?
These were just a few of the themes we explored at our Shed & Rise Retreat in Kamakura. Through group coaching, meditation, and embodiment practices, we embraced this year’s theme: the wisdom, grace, and adaptability of the Year of the Snake 🐍.
We shed what no longer serves us, chose transformation keywords for the year, and connected with the most positive, fulfilled versions of our future selves to gain wisdom and direction.
The day ended with a walk along the beach, where we shared our biggest takeaways, reflecting on the power of learning and growing in community.
Takeaways from the Day:
🐍 Practical tools and fresh perspectives for transformation
🐍 Exponential clarity from group connection under expert facilitation
🐍 The beauty of showing up for yourself, even on a cold January day
I’m so inspired by everyone who joined, stepping into the year with intention and self-compassion. 💖 I can’t wait to see what blooms for you all in the months ahead!